October 28, 2011


It's been a long time since I last blogged. Sorry, but stuff's been going on.

School's back! 8th grade, my last year in middle school is already well on it's way. So far it's been good. I like my teachers and I like a lot of the curriculum. Government and social movements in Social Studies; evolution, cell structure and genetics in Science; lots of writing projects and analytical reading in Language Arts--(always my fave :)--and geometry in Math (At least it beats algebra!)

Anyways, school is coming along fine and I have gotten back into writing my novel. Right now I'm 15 pages and 4,500 words in and the action's finally starting to kick in! I actually am taking a break from writing right now and I have the manuscript open in another window!

I realize that I haven't mentioned this at all in this blog and it's about time. At my school every 8th grader creates an independent project on a topic of their choice that spans most of the year and I have chosen a very ambitious but appropriate one. I am going to write a novel! Of course, I've already said this, but I think this is a great opportunity to dedicate myself to the writing process. In an academic setting I will have much more support to complete the project, which is one of the most important things to have when working on a first novel.

For the project, every student must find a "mentor" who is an expert in the specific field of their project and I already have a perfect man for the job! John Bemis has agreed to help me with my project and I can't wait until we start (although I have already started the writing, the project doesn't begin at school yet).

Well, I just wanted to give you guys an update. Now it's back to writing. Peace out! ☮
